Contact us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, requests for information, partnerships
or even just to say hello, we are standing by to help you as quickly as possible!

Any questions? Don't be shy.

Fill in the form below whether you have a general question, a question about a product or if you need help with a current order. Don't forget you can also read the FAQ, the answer to your question may be in there! We will get back to you within 24 to 48 hours on working days.

*champs obligatoire

Media & partnerships contact

Are you a journalist, influencer, artist or company who thinks we could work together? Great! Please contact us with details of your request and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Send us an e-mail to:



Customer support

Do you have a problem? We're here to help! Contact us using the form or by e-mail to:



B2B & stores

If you are interested in selling the Innocence products in your store, please contact us for more information: